What is meant by the term primary ticket market?

When selling Bundesliga tickets, a basic distinction is made between a primary and a secondary market. The primary ticket market comprises all official ticket offers that the respective Bundesliga clubs make directly available to their fans. In particular, this includes the clubs’ online ticket shops, call centres and traditional advance booking offices.

The primary ticket market is organised, operated and designed individually by each club. The ticket offers and pricing are in the hands of the clubs. The Bundesliga tickets offered there are sold directly by the club.

What is meant by the term secondary ticket market?

The term secondary ticket market refers to all ticket offers that are not operated directly by the clubs. These include, in particular, online ticket providers such as Viagogo, StubHub or Ticketbande. These are often also online ticket exchanges where football fans can not only buy Bundesliga tickets but also sell their own tickets (resale platforms).

Why are Bundesliga tickets more expensive on the secondary market?

Bundesliga tickets on the resale platforms are generally more expensive than those sold directly by the clubs. One reason for this is the classic supply and demand principle. In other words, Bundesliga tickets for sold-out matches with high demand are more expensive than non-sold-out matches with low demand.

In addition, buying Bundesliga tickets on the secondary market via online ticket providers incurs further costs such as processing fees and commissions.

How secure are online ticket providers and the secondary ticket market?

The online ticket providers act as a platform/mediator between buyers and sellers. Ultimately, however, the purchase of Bundesliga tickets on the secondary market is a private purchase.

All ticket providers attach great importance to secure processing when buying Bundesliga tickets. Normally, the tickets are sent by trackable consignment such as DHL, UPS or FedEx. Some tickets are also sold as so-called pick-up tickets, i.e. the buyer can collect the purchased tickets from the seller in person.

What advantage does the secondary ticket market offer?

The demand for Bundesliga tickets has risen continuously in recent years. The chances of getting a ticket on the primary market have become very slim. Numerous matches, especially those of top clubs such as FC Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund and FC Schalke 04, are already completely sold out.

Fans, especially those who only go to the stadium occasionally, can easily obtain Bundesliga tickets via the secondary ticket market. Especially for events that are already sold out.

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Is the offer on the secondary ticket market legal?

The purchase and sale of Bundesliga tickets on the secondary ticket market is legal. Many clubs from the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga now work together with online ticket providers and even make a certain number of tickets available to them.

How much does a Bundesliga ticket cost?

At €15.20, the cheapest one-day ticket is once again extremely affordable this season. It is just below the level of the previous season and allows fans to attend matches at a fair price.

The picture is similar for season tickets. The average price for the cheapest season ticket is €178.60, which is lower than last season (€190.10). The club continues to focus on fair pricing in order to give all fans the opportunity to attend regularly.

How do I get football tickets?

To purchase Bundesliga tickets, it is advisable to buy them directly from the club. They are usually available there at the best prices. If the desired match is already sold out at the club, there is the option of switching to the secondary market.

Examples of this are platforms such as eBay or Viagogo. However, it should be noted that prices on the secondary market can tend to be higher for top matches.

Is a football ticket transferable or personalised?

The question of the resale of football tickets can usually be clarified quickly by taking a look at the general terms and conditions of the club or organiser.

In most cases, resale is prohibited there. However, it is important to note that this regulation only applies to commercial resale.

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